The Cunningham Legacy

Hugh M. Cunningham


David A. Cunningham

Executive Chairman of the Board

Austin Cunningham, CPMR

Executive Vice President of Business Development

The Story Behind “The Bee”

According to the theory of aerodynamics – and as may be readily demonstrated through laboratory test and wind tunnel experiments, the bumblebee cannot fly. This is because the size, weight, and shape of their body in relation to their total available wing surface makes flying impossible – but – the bumblebee, being ignorant of these profound scientific truths goes ahead and flies anyway – and manages to makes a little honey every day.

The “Priceless Ingredient”

Besides our recognition being build on superiority of product, services and people, we live by our motto that great success is built on “the priceless ingredient,” a reputation for honor and integrity. Founder Hugh M. Cunningham was responsible for this distinction, as well as many innovations in the way manufacturers representatives operate today.